SlimmingWhirled and stuff

A Christian mother's notes on her battle with weight, MS, and life in general. With a generous helping of optimism and craft-work!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What a week.

Last week was an amazing week physically and mentally.

I am on a new drug at quite a high dosage but within 2 days of starting it I had no pain in my arms. This felt amazing as I could get on and do things that I had let slip, yes it had side effects like drowsiness, but I can cope with that.

The flat is looking normal again and I have caught up with all the ironing!! Also had a huge sort out of son's bedroom and sifted through his clothes and handed all the too small stuff to my nephew. My main problem is I overdid it yesterday and had a nasty fall , all my fault I will learn!

My husband and I were invited out for lunch on Saturday , it was wonderful time of fellowship and was good to get to know them more.
We had a church tea on Sunday and a really good number attended many of whom do not regularly worship with us. It was a good time of fellowship and an opportunity to make new friends.

I am reading more , I still struggle and tiredness seems to be a hurdle when I read, and I am listening to hymns every night and I feel uplifted by it all. How the Lord has guided me.

The am so thankful to the Lord , he looks after me all the time .
What a wonderful Mighty God we have, that is so loving and caring.

Oh and I gained a 1lb but not suprised as I had 3 days off plan , will be 100% this week.


At 3:50 AM, Blogger Moomin said...

Glad to hear that your arm pain is gone. What is the new medication called? Now, Mrs Baptist no more falling over! That part was not good. We had a good annual new year's lunch for the seniors on 25th, and they are a good reminder to pressing onward every day despite the pain and slowness of ability to do things. I read John Newton's hymn 'Begone Unbelief' to an ailing gentleman last week - an encouragement in dire straits.
See you soon!

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Susanna said...

Owch Clare! I hope that you are ok and not too bruised. Really glad that you have found a medication that is working better. What is it?

Now for the OT bit 'you must pace yourself if you want to avoid total exhaustion. However, it is your choice- you may prefer to go al out and get whacked....but it in't best for your body..............yadayada yada! Looking forward to seeing you at the weekend :)

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Eek! Mrs B, as Susanna says, you must pace yourself :)

But glad things overall are going well - I hope 2007 proves a good year for you and the rest of the Bs!


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