Past few weeks.
This is her relaxing and enjoying life to the maximum.
She is an absolute joy and has got me walking regulary. Hopefully this should aid in the weight loss , even though I havent been sticking to plan....I have also been admiring Gods creation whilst walking, spring has well and truly come.
My pain is under control at moment and has turned my life around, I feel mentally and physically stronger.
I am also using something called a painpen which a friend of mine brought me.
You zap yourself about 30 times and it is meant to stimulate your pain endorphins. My husband and son were nosey and tried it on themselves , was quite amusing to see them jump..
Hallo Dolly and Clare,
Who is that sleeping in MY bed? The painpen sounds really helpful - so glad it's relieving you. I must find out more about it and will follow your link......
Glad to hear you are doing well managing your pain! Although, the image of the menfolk getting a jolt (serves boys right for being so curious, eh?!) did make me laugh :)
Hee hee hee. Sounds like a mini tens machine. Really glad that things are under control for you have any energy to spare???!!!!
It was a beautiful spring day here (very different from the weekend) but we were not feeling well enough to enjoy it :(
Looks like Dolly has settled herself in well!
Yoikes, brings back painful memories of using Pom's TENS machine when I was in labour. Still not sure if it helped but it sure did distract me as I electricuted myself heavily!!! zap zap zap!
Much love XXXXX
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