SlimmingWhirled and stuff

A Christian mother's notes on her battle with weight, MS, and life in general. With a generous helping of optimism and craft-work!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Should Christians be silent?

Wow that is a headline!

My question to all Christians who read my blog is:

Should you be silent when you disagree with things?

What I mean is should you be silent about abortion - for example maybe only signing a petition, or actively saying something about it. Some might say no - just pray about things. Some others may say is being silent is not glorifying God. Yes, prayer is important but is being silent right?

I would be very interested in your views. What does scripture say on the subject?

It is something that is really playing on my mind at the moment, I have my views but won't say anything until a few of you join in.


At 1:25 PM, Blogger The Mom said...

HI Clare

I don't know the answer. I don't know what a Christian "should" do. I can tell you what I do. . .not that I am sure that I am right.

I tend to keep really quiet. Despite anything you read on my blog, or hear about me, I am "Mrs Non-Confrontation" personified.

I nod and smile even while I am seething or sighing or crying inside. But unless I am asked straight out (there is a verse about being able and ready to give an answer to anyone who asks) I don't make my views very public at all.

I just.. . . I dunno; I just don't think one gains from "marching and chanting and campaigning and protesting"

In the end, our life as we live it is our biggest "protest" or "campaign". And our prayers can be powerfully answered.

I don't mean this to come across as being a person who would "pass by on the other side" and refuse to help someone in need. I hope I would help anyone in need, no matter what the need, or who they are. I would try to speak the gospel by my actions, not my words.

I guess you are going to smile and say that I am pretty wordy online - yes. But not so in real life, such is the miracle of the internet :-)

Just my muddled thoughts

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Clare said...

I have to agree with you about the marching and chanting I think it in fact becomes very negative and unfruitful.
I too tend to stay quiet, but this is what I am battling with.
I see daily our christian values being eroded away and if we stay quiet they will disappear completely.
Yes our lives are our best tools for witness and showing people that we are different to the world's views.
And we never stop praying because all things are possible through God.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Susanna said...

There are those who can be vocal on our behalf if it is not our gift to be that way. The Christian Institute and Christian Lawyers come to mind. To send an e-mail or write a letter does not need a great vocal ability. I am not personally very gifted in debate but know that there have been a number of requests for me to write letters etc which I have not had time to do. It is easy to feel pretty downhearted when even the debated and protested about things get brought in or defeated. But at least a voice is heard. How much more shameful would it be if things went totally unchallenged. HOWEVER I do not think we should be marching and shouting as others do. Prayer is the key- nothing will happen without prayer, and there is a danger that people get caught up in action, no matter how comendable, to the extent that they fail to pray. But we are called to work as well as pray- soldiers of the cross. SOme are gifted to be vocal. Those who are not should not try it in the public domain as it does not bring honour to the cause of Christ.
I agree with Henrietta that our lives should speak too, but how often is that really really evident in the evryday? I challenge myself with this often- when I am at home and having minimal interaction with others. Who do I speak to other than my children? I think different circumstances call for different responses. Waffle over.

At 5:46 AM, Blogger Moomin said...

'Beatitude Christians should be salty.' We must be salty when we can and our light must also shine. Our country needs the soul saving Gospel preached more than anything else but there are also times to speak and not be silent. Also to be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.
William Wilberforce also worked hard for the 'Reformation of Manners' in his day. So we must encourage those in public places and pray for them too in these PC days.

At 6:18 AM, Blogger nuttynurse said...

My humble opinion is this; there is a time to speak and time to stay silent. Like the Israelites who waited upon the Lord for great things, we must too and not try taking on the impossible ourselves.

Only the mass salvation of souls will reverse the great moral decline we see today, not our feeble protests. BUT in saying that I think it is good and proper to sign petitions and, if you have time, write letters to remind those who have power that public opinion is not reflected by the single minded anti-God media we see today.

Also it is easy to get caught up in an issue and forget what's really important, Christ. I've seen people debating issues and you inevitably get drawn into pointless arguements with people who have no interest in the truth. Vain babblings come to mind! Timothy 2, 2;16 'But shun profane and vain babblings; for they will increase unto more ungodliness', this refers to evil characters in the last day which are the times we are living in now. Also vs 4 'No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier'. This seems to warn us to not waste time overmuch with issues of this life. It is good to take a stand but to remember we are in a fight firstly for souls saved as that will change lives and subsquently society.

I think you should give your biblical based opinion on matters if asked as this is a witness (salty) but avoid long debates on secondary issues as you end up frustrated and often not witnessing about Christ. 'vs 23 'But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes'. This applies to issues of the Word but I feel can be legitimately applied to issues of life as the principle is the same.

This was supposed to be a short bit but as usual I go on saying the same thing in dif ways as I can't express myself properly anymore!!!

Anyway I hope there is some usefulness in it. XX


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