SlimmingWhirled and stuff

A Christian mother's notes on her battle with weight, MS, and life in general. With a generous helping of optimism and craft-work!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mixed Bag of a week..........

Well last week at weigh in i gained 2 1/2 pounds and FB lost 1. It was a result in eating bad bad bad food which i no longer care for, as i thinking eating too much of it has out me off it for awhile. We did not go to weigh in this week because;
a) I really did not want to go was too tired.
b) FB was still unwell.
c) I had no desire to face class, or even feel like i am enjoying it anymore.
d) I am still thinking of a fourth excuse.

To be honest i have lost my motivation and inspiration for eating plan, so i have gone back to basics. Hopefully this will inspire me.
I think alot to do with this way of thinking is not being 100%, im struggling to think of what to cook, then when brain does engage i find it hard work rarther than enjoying cooking like i usually do.
Then the icing on cake arrived I went to my doctor, who i really get on with and he says I haven't lost any weight since November by his scales - How depressing is that!!! , my Slimming World book says different! This doesn't count with my Doctor, as his records say a different thing. Sighs....
My Doctor is now treating me for panic attacks and stress, I am unsure where the stress comes from but he says I am showing common effects of this-:
obsessed about not being late

talking to strangers or in a strange place i go red/flushed stutter
my heart rate goes up
don't like going to places i do not know on own.
I even did this with my doctor, he said he saw it with his own two eyes. What a mess to get into and why, I have been a confident person most of my life , what on earth is going on.
So guess whatI have to join a stress class (back to school huh!) and he upped some medication I am on.I am going to rattle lol! On the downside I read small print of medication it can put weight on!!!! Ermmm............. oh dear.....
Guess what he said next, this will all be resolved loosing weight.
Well I am trying to help in this matter but it was not what i needed to hear right now.

Then .. wait for it.............I went to my practice nurse for my weekly jab of Anovex , she said lets see how you are doing on the weight front , my mouth fell open, on I jumped and guess what her scales were same as slimming world and I have lost weight , she said well done , I then explained how my Doctor appointemnet went she did not know quite what to say..

Also she perscribed me two books , yes perscribed. You get them from your local libray with a perscription. Was a new thing to me but self help has got to beat tablets any day!!

All in all a mixed week of Ups and Downs.

I am currently reading through Expository thoughts on Mark at moment . How and useful it has been to espicially throughout this week. The Lord Directs us without us knowing it, to what we need.


At 1:16 PM, Blogger Moomin said...

I'm sure that the GP set of weighing scales is not as accurate as the 'Slimming World' one - and, what is more, it probably needs to be tared - zeroed properly. I'm rooting for the nurse's set of scales and so must you Mrs Baptist!
What is the name of the prescribed self-help book?
The best self-help for us is to go to the mercy-seat. Do you know that hymn....
What various hindrances we meet
In coming to the mercy-seat
Yet who, that knows the worth of prayer,
But wishes to be often there! ?
Written by William Cowper (P&H 698)
He was often depressed, yet able to write the most amazing hymns.
How weird of your GP to psychoanalyze you in that way! (Maybe he has been on a course or something!)
There is nothing wrong with our lovely Mrs Baptist! She is an amazing woman who copes remarkably well with life's ups and downs, (what Moomin calls vicissitudes)with the help of the Lord
Carry on Mrs Baptist!


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