SlimmingWhirled and stuff

A Christian mother's notes on her battle with weight, MS, and life in general. With a generous helping of optimism and craft-work!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Brief personal years summary and blessings.

Well last year went whoosh so much has happened and as the saying goes *the older you get the quicker the year flies by*.

Briefly, the year contained three huge relapses where I lost mobility for a while and before I recovered from one I was hit with another. This was treated by three courses of IV steroids, which have helped me get myself back on my feet, but I do worry about the long-term side effects. I had a bone scan to make sure that the steroids had not thinned my bones and I am pleased to say I passed with flying colours!

I have also adjusted (with doctor's help of course) the amount of medication I take and at the moment we seem to have it right and I am managing pain well when it rears its testing head.
I was also assessed to see if I needed a wheelchair and I did , so I have a lovely new chair which should enable me to do things with my son even when mobility is limited.

I still self-inject with avonex weekly and my fear of needles may not have gone away but I deal with it and inject without too much fretting. My husband leaves room whilst I do it!

Our housing needs altered when I lost mobility as living in a first floor flat was becoming dangerous and difficult for me so we approached the council with our worries , and we were given points according to our needs (which means more points higher up the list you go etc.). We also put ourselves down for housing association and beginning of December we were offered a housing association two bedroom bungalow and we moved within three days of being offered it. It was a mad and tiring time. So worth it though!

When we moved we moved a long way from John’s school but Jonathan could drop him off in morning before work and I hoped to sort out home time. Jonathan approached the teachers and explained what had happened, and the same day I received a phone call from the Headmaster asking for Jonathan to pop in when he picked him up. The teachers had discussed it and said that up until Easter they would bring John home after school - how amazing is that? After Easter evening light will be better and getting home much easier.

Now it is January and I look back at past year I can see that God has blessed us so much - and we are so undeserving.

No matter how bad the situation seemed God never left our side and guided us to solutions.

What an amazing God we have.


At 7:15 AM, Blogger Anna said...

Hallo Mrs B

Haven't caught up with your blog in ages - really glad to see you are in a safer and more comfortable place for you. That must be such a relief. And what an absolute blessing to have staff willing to shuttle your son home from school!

Good luck with your healthy eating...

Take care,

At 1:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how the Lord knows exactly what we need .

At 6:11 AM, Blogger Moomin said...

Dear Mrs Baptist,
I am feeling very guilty - that our visit tired you out on the Saturday 29th December and you couldn't get to church on Sunday. Hope that you are enabled to carry on with the new year 2008 with all its new opportunities. We loved the box of goodies and am looking forward to using them. Didn't open up until January 1st when the girls were all around.
Bless the Lord for His faithfulness and lovingkindness and may He help you to lean all the harder on Him when the going gets tough. Much love from us.

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Clare said...

It was a good reason to try out wheelchair in the evening.
Was quite entertaining trying to get chair in car in the dark.
Our fault for not trying it out in the daylight. I made it to evenings ministry and Saturday wasn't reason , it was not fatigue for a change it was legs not doing what they should and head effecting my balance. I really enjoyed saturday as did John and Jonathan.
So no gulit allowed lol..


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