SlimmingWhirled and stuff

A Christian mother's notes on her battle with weight, MS, and life in general. With a generous helping of optimism and craft-work!

Monday, March 06, 2006

How very sad...

While doing the washing up I tend to put on the radio (radio 5 ) .
Yet again the topic saddened me , it was about women giving up there work/lives while having children. Not one person said what a blessing it is to have a family and what joy it brings to be able to be at home and seeing them grow up.
All it consisted off was making enough money to keep themselves in the custom they are aquainted to, and how womens lives had to go on hold to have children and they are held back in life having children. What utter piffle!
Before i became a Christian i missed out on alot of my sons firsts (walking , smiling etc) as i felt i had to work , I thought it was a must I wanted the money , how blind and selfish I was! Now i see things with new eyes and am so enjoying my son and my family and being at home. I enjoy keeping house , I even enjoy ironing, I enjoy all aspects of being a home maker and do not see it as holding myself back in life, it is a role i feel made for me by God, and I shake my head in sadness of the greed of the world , money, money, money!!
When i defend my positon on being at home to non christians they see me as down trodden and somone that has thrown their life away. How very, VERY sad.
Now that my MS has a huge impact on my life and i cannot work for medical reasons people accept that without a word, and say how nice it would be to be at home all the time. Ermm... double standard of thinking don't you think.
Sighs..... they are going to miss out on so many joys.
What also became clear on the radio show is how many relationships did not work out because of outside influences i.e pressure of work , woman becoming main money earners , becoming strangers as both parties work. How very very sad , and why cannot they not see a pattern here.
The main people i see as loosing out are the children. They will grow up thinking the home life was normal and the pattern starts again..
What was also apparent was women wanted a pat on the head and a gold star (or similar) for being at home, next they will asking for a wage I fear!
Can they not see the reward comes from seeing your husbands and childs love?


At 11:24 AM, Blogger Susanna said...

Oh how I agree. The pressure to have it all is huge though. Feminists have short changed women. People cannot accept today that a moneyless occupation is worthwhile.....unless of course you volunteer and work for charity and do good work etc! So, without even the mutual bringing up of children to help them stay together, selfish adults who want it all for THEMSELVES are failing to work together and make marriages work.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Susanna said...

Oh, I meant to say, check out this link. I found it at two talent living(

It is

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Susanna said...

Rats, one p too may. Should be php!

At 3:28 AM, Blogger Moomin said...

Training children is the best occupation - hard, yes, but full of joyful moments interspersed with all the rest. Who else is teaching, inspiring and setting an example in the formative years if Mummy is not? Why have them and give them to someone else to raise... The Moomin gets rather excited on this topic. Not a great lover of 'children' in the abstract or en masse, I found raising your own is such a privelege and God-given duty if it is possible - obviously circumstances differ.


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