Recently I have been fighting my way back from a relapse, I had lost balance, strength in right side , severe pain in my legs and arms, and blurred/loss vision in my right eye. I had to call husband to come home as I felt I was unsafe to be on my own. I contacted MS nurse who got me an appointment to see my neurologist.
I was perscribed heavy pain killers and a three day course of intravenous steroids(which speeds up recovery rate). It took four attempts to get cannula in( not sure on spelling) but steroids went through relatively quickly- out patients over a 3 day period. Side effects from steroids included doing impression of a tomatoe,cannot sleep, jittery and covered in spots!!But all were short lived.
Two weeks have passed and husband went back to work yesterday (it was all unpaid leave).I am taking things slowly as I won't gain anything by rushing.
Spiritually I have been well and I have so much peace, more so than many others around me. They say aww I am sorry its so not fair, I reply- so many people worse off than I and the Lord found me , how blessed am I..I have had so much peace in the last few weeks and it makes you even more focused to look beyond this world.