SlimmingWhirled and stuff

A Christian mother's notes on her battle with weight, MS, and life in general. With a generous helping of optimism and craft-work!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What a privilege

Every other week we have a bible study/coffee morning for the ladies.

I was asked to bring a message to the ladies on the first Thursday in January. This is a great priviledge and said yes straight away.
This was my first time to talk before the ladies and I felt a little nervous.

I was drawn to proverbs 16.1-9

Especially the first verse -The preparation of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.

Here is a summary of what I talked about and I would love you the readers to add your thoughts please..

All the verses are based on the same theme which is that God gives us freedom to plan and prepare many things but it is He that enables us do do them.
What this reflects is that even though God is all powerful and He can do whatever He wants, He still uses ordinary people like you and I to do this work.

I always go the Bible in times of need for guidance as the Bible is Gods word to us and while we may plan many things we must always check ourselves against God's standards.
Verse 16.1 is paticulary about preparing to speak. The second half of this verse reminds us that as we actually do something e.g speaking etc, it is God who enables us and it is God brings succcess in what we say .
This is a great encouragment when we find ourselves unsure as to what we should say that God will assist us as we speak, and that God will bring good out of all things.
This verse also reminds us that preparationis so important and that as Christians we should always be thinking people, as the saying goes " make sure brain is in gear before you engage tongue.
When preparing to talk to somone e/g having coffee, bumping into people etc we should hold Gods promises in mind we must have faith.
Most old Bible comentators say that seeing that God has made our mouths He knows best how we should use them.
Conclusion is summed up in verse 9
This is a reality of being a Christian and of walking with God. That we know and can see in our lives that God has directed our steps.

This was a really powerful chapter for me personally as I do find it hard to be silent.. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Brief personal years summary and blessings.

Well last year went whoosh so much has happened and as the saying goes *the older you get the quicker the year flies by*.

Briefly, the year contained three huge relapses where I lost mobility for a while and before I recovered from one I was hit with another. This was treated by three courses of IV steroids, which have helped me get myself back on my feet, but I do worry about the long-term side effects. I had a bone scan to make sure that the steroids had not thinned my bones and I am pleased to say I passed with flying colours!

I have also adjusted (with doctor's help of course) the amount of medication I take and at the moment we seem to have it right and I am managing pain well when it rears its testing head.
I was also assessed to see if I needed a wheelchair and I did , so I have a lovely new chair which should enable me to do things with my son even when mobility is limited.

I still self-inject with avonex weekly and my fear of needles may not have gone away but I deal with it and inject without too much fretting. My husband leaves room whilst I do it!

Our housing needs altered when I lost mobility as living in a first floor flat was becoming dangerous and difficult for me so we approached the council with our worries , and we were given points according to our needs (which means more points higher up the list you go etc.). We also put ourselves down for housing association and beginning of December we were offered a housing association two bedroom bungalow and we moved within three days of being offered it. It was a mad and tiring time. So worth it though!

When we moved we moved a long way from John’s school but Jonathan could drop him off in morning before work and I hoped to sort out home time. Jonathan approached the teachers and explained what had happened, and the same day I received a phone call from the Headmaster asking for Jonathan to pop in when he picked him up. The teachers had discussed it and said that up until Easter they would bring John home after school - how amazing is that? After Easter evening light will be better and getting home much easier.

Now it is January and I look back at past year I can see that God has blessed us so much - and we are so undeserving.

No matter how bad the situation seemed God never left our side and guided us to solutions.

What an amazing God we have.

Monday, January 07, 2008


My sister in law Susanna at
Through a glass has ‘carded’ me. This is all new to me so here goes the explanation. There is a materialistic list and then a spiritual list, the idea being that we can pray for each others spiritual needs.

1. Each player starts with 5 gifts that they would want for the New Year.
2. People who are “CARDED” need to write their own Blog about their 5 things & post these rules.
3. At the end of your Blog, you need to choose 5 people to get “CARDED” and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a COMMENT telling them they’re “CARDED”, and to read your Blog.

Materialistic Needs
More card making stock -(Husband thinks I have too much already)
Money- We get by but a little more would be great
Another pair of hands- To do garden and tackle the dreaded laurel bush out front.
A Hoover -that removes dog hairs and isnt too heavy. Yes I do have one but doesnt tackle dog hairs too well.
To loose weight- By our holiday in august I fully intend to loose atleast two dress sizes.
Spiritual Needs
Time- I need to use my time more wisely, and put it to better use.
Read more - I am an appalling reader and I must try more as it will equip me .
Prayer buddy-I have asked a good friend of mine to be a prayer buddy, I am sure we will both benefit and encourage one another.
To pray more- I need to be more aware when I pray and what to pray for.
Fellowship- I need to get my self more organised and have around more people as fellowship is so important.
Ok….I don’t know another 5 bloggers well enough to ‘card’ .
So if you read this you have been carded lol..