SlimmingWhirled and stuff

A Christian mother's notes on her battle with weight, MS, and life in general. With a generous helping of optimism and craft-work!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A verse that has really helped me recently

Proverbs is a book I regularly go through as it is simple and it helps me so much with my daily life. A verse that has really helped in recent times and I would like to share with you is:
Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
This verse has stuck in my mind during recent times and has helped me to know when to speak and when to listen. If you knew me you would understand that at times I cannot stop talking and I forget to listen and learn.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Some random pictures of dolly the dog

Here she is reviewing a blog lol

Itching her back on the bed!!! with a chew in her mouth

She really is a good companion but she doesnt have many manners! She a cheeky little dog that makes us all smile alot.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Just for a giggle

I found this link on my husbands blog and it certainly put a smile on my face.

Only takes a few seconds and I recommend it for a therapeutic smile..

my name selected was

Milady the Right Reverend Clare the Undamaged of New Scagglethorpe


Well yet again its been far too long between blogs , but with having yet another relaspe and another course of steroids I found time just disappeared. Mentally and spiritually I have felt good , its just the body keeps letting me down. Enough about that anyway...
Atlast I have started making cards again and have even experiemented with a few new techniques and I might not be too good at them but have really enjoyed doing them.
Here is my first attempt at making a vellum flowers , needs alot of practice but should be good to use on cards if I can make them small enough.

Also here are a few new cards I have made , I have used many different textures and even embossed metal to get some different effects.