I was tagged by sis in law so here goes.
One rule .. Only one word answers allowed so here goes.
1. Your cell phone? ...... Nokia
2. Your significant other?..... Jonathan
3. Your hair? ....... Brown
4. Your mother? .........Motherly
5. Your father?.......Fatherly
!6. Your favorite thing?.......Life
7. Your dream last night?....Blurred
8. Your favorite drink? ......Coffee
9. Your dream/goal?........Slimmer!
10. The room you’re in.......Bedroom
11. Your talent ?........Rambling! (not walking lol!)
12. Your fear?..........Spiders
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?.....Lighter
14. Where were you last night?.....Home
15. What you’re not?........Quiet
16. Muffins?............yummy!
17. One of your wish list items?...…Painfree.
18. Where you grew up?........Home
19. The last thing you did?.....This
20. What are you wearing?......Casual
21. Your TV?............Cable
22. Your pet(s)?...........Two
23. Your computer? ......laptop
24. Your life?........steady
25. Your mood?.......Ok
26. Missing home?.....??
27. Your car?........ Zafira
28. Something you’re not wearing? Jeans
29. Favorite Store?........Tesco
30. Your summer?.........Dry?
31. Hate someone?.........Nope
32. Your favorite color?....... Pink
33. Last time you laughed....... yesterday!
34. Last time you cried?.......shrugs
35. Who will re-post this?.....You
Well this was harder than I thought it would be.