SlimmingWhirled and stuff

A Christian mother's notes on her battle with weight, MS, and life in general. With a generous helping of optimism and craft-work!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Getting focused on eating plan.

I am really trying to get focused on our slimming world plan and found going back to class difficult. FB said we have to go back no matter howmuch gain, or we will never succeed. He is right of course but it does not make it any easier.
The last three weeks including three birthday's have been eating all the wrong things , that taste soooooooooooooo good. lol.

So back on the plan since Monday 100% and oh boy has it been difficult. Going to have to get my cooking head on and come up with some new and interesting recipes that will satisfy my tastebuds. Have just got a vegetarian indian cookbook out of library , thought I would have a go and some of the recipes as FB loves indian and adapt them into the plan.

Watch this space if all goes well I might even share a few recipes.

I have to admit with all the rich food I have been eating recently it was nice to go healthy again. I know its about 1/2 stone I have gained during my eating frenzy so shifting that is my first target. I go back to class tuesday for the first time for a few weeks so weigh in could proove a little tense lol. I am back to drinking atleast 3 litres of water a day , I think you lose weight because of all the exercise to and fro from the bathroom!

I have asked FB to sit down and help plan a weekly menu for us all , doing this should prevent me falling off it and using excuse I don't know what to cook.

My fight with weight continues and I shall win... errrrr yes I will .... errr I will try , no I have to win.. See argueing with oneself can be productive.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Exhaustion at a new level!!

On Friday my Wonderful husband had his 29th birthday (one more till 30!! he he). He had Thursday and Friday off work and we finished wallpapering the bedroom well FB did , I watched and helped cut paper. I really wasn't feeling 100 %, but I turned into an excited child when it was actually completed and my bargain charity shop curtains were hung that needed no alteration at all, made to measure could not have fitted better and at£4.00 what a bargain! The floor carpet tiles are also 3/4 completed. Whoopeee...

I went to bed feeling more tired than usual but just couldn't get off to sleep till about 3 am then I awoke at 5 am !! grrr vicious circle huh.Tiredness isn't unusual so Friday felt normal , until 5 pm I was overwhelmed by fatigue , nothing I had quite encountered before and by 6 I struggled to get John his tea and I had to go to bed. I led in bed and my whole body hurt. I tossed and turned to get comfortable , by 9 pm I felt a little better and got out of bed as I just could not sleep. Ever since I have felt very fragile , the slightest touch on my body feels like a punch..I have never felt fatigue like it and even now I do something I have to sit down, I feel totally wiped out.

Sunday came , and I rejoiced in yet another Lord's Day we have been given. My fatigue wasn't going to hinder my worship to my glorious King. I heard some quite moving sermons today even if the worship is a little alien to me ( a new church). Different doesn't mean its wrong I hasten to add , I had just been used to another church's ways.

The mornings reading was Mathew 17 v1-13 , the heading was 'Seeing Jesus as He is'.

This had three points:
1) The disciples saw the Majesty of Christ.
2) they saw something that is beyond.
3)They saw the coming Glory of Christ.

My main thought on this was we are just a moment away from Heaven as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the moment we die on this earth we are Heaven , what a wonderful and awesome thing to look forward to.

At 5pm we returned to the church for tea and cake and good time to meet more people and have some well-needed Christian fellowship.

The evening's reading was Matthew 8 v18-34 - In fact the sermon was based on the whole chapter under the heading...

What kind of Man is this? Six points were made:

1)The man who brings cleansing(v1-4)
2)The Man who brings healing(v5-13)
3)The man who brings respect(v14-17)
4)The Man who brings life.(17-22)
5)The man who brings peace(23-27)
6)The man who brings freedom(28-34)

I came home refuelled and ready for the week ahead..Our mighty God always knows what we need .I might be exhausted but I am ready for the week ahead spiritually.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wow what a week

Well the Easter holidays have offically ended as my son went back to school today.
A mixed bag of a fortnight.
Last wednesday I lost my filling , which exposed my nerve , ouchie ouch ouch!! So thursday I went to dentist. I explained the tooth in question had already been filled atleast 3 times and I wanted it taken out. She was lovely dentist (yes they are out there), and tried to persuade me to have a root canal filling and a crown ,but still couldn't definately say it will stay put so out it came. Took awhile though , the numbing injection would not work , took three injections!!! All went well and off home I went. My jaw and teeth either side still hurt today and its tuesday! Oh well.
We went to a Good Friday service at Eastcombe followed by food and fellowship. The cross was preached , was a wonderful and stirring message. One thing that really sticks in my mind is during the sermon the preacher spoke about a little boy and his father , the father asked , son do you know what the cross means? and the boy replied a stairway to Heaven , what a wonderful answer , the boy was only 4!
The weekend was filled with seeing my family my Dad has reached the grand age of 60! We went for dinner on saturday , lunch on Sunday after the church service, and lunch for Monday as his Birthday was actually on monday. Both my sisters were there with their husbands and children.
I have two sisters both younger than me and no brothers , and so far all my parents grandchildren are boys , John, Jake and Jack (yes it gets confusing! lol). It was a lovely time with lovely food , really great to all get together. We gave dad a hot air balloon gift form us girls and the grand children did him a mixed bag of goodies. Happy Birthday Dad xxx
Sunday Easter service was lovely, I went to a church that I have never been before and myself and my husband went to it again in the evening. A great message was preached in the evening about looking forward to our home in Eternal home in Heaven aswell as looking back to the Cross.
Now its tuesday , son at school , husband at work and house looking like it should atlast!!

Regarding my MS , I haven't been to well .Consyant leg shaking (more so in bed!) and not being able to sleep.But I always get their. Well enough for now.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

How wonderful

When you feel at your weakest , is'nt wonderful how we can throw ourselves on our Lord, sinners as we are, being so priviledged to be able to do this. We should not be afraid to ask the Lord for help in times of trouble , but at the same time we must not forget to thank Him over and over again.
The reason why I write these words is that the past few weeks have been a trying and testing time for myself and my family on a whole. I will not go into detail as I at this time cannot.
I just wanted to share the joy I have in having such a mighty Lord that I can go to and leave it all in His hands. How awesome it is to be able to ask for help from somone so Mighty, and to know you are being listened to , no matter how weak and feeble the prayer is.
The past few weeks have been filled with much prayer, more than I do normally (which is not enough anyway). How I have found peace in doing this and how the word of the Lord opens up so clearly and directs us , especially when the life surrounding you is in such turmoil. Is;nt it wonderful even when life feels so hard and huge upward battle, the Lord always helps you and brings you peace.
We have such a loving God that always listens , never stops loving and is there always , never letting you down and never breaks a promise. How truly wonderful.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Card making part 2

Here are some of the cards I have been making. So far I have managed to sell 30 cards (with a lot of help from mother-in-law). I am not trying to make a huge profit on the cards, just enough to cover the cost and get some better equipment.

Most of my cards are £1.50 which is a lot cheaper than the average £2-3 which a lot of sellers seem to charge for cards of lower quality.

Soon I will be posting some of my cards over at - I will let you know when.

Here are some male cards, which need a lot more thought than female ones!

Here are some more feminine ones...

Cards that I have made to date include birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, christenings, baby births, mothers day and branching out in future to wedding invitations etc

Monday, April 03, 2006
