This week has definately been a full and strange one.
The week started with the beginning of my steroids. I met five ladies - all at different stages of MS - some newly diagnosed, others well experienced. But it was interesting chatting and seeing how they are coping and whether we can help and put at at ease each others problems.
But what was refeshing was that NOBODY was bitter at all were smiling and coming to terms with this silent life changing disease and how we can carry on with just some tweaking and at times submitting (which is easier said than done with pride rearing its ugly head) and resting when your body tells you.
But the most testing of times have been with with one young very rude and aggressive teenager who continues to use our bedroom walls as goal poats. Let me explain we have a piece of open green on the outer wall of our property and our bedroom walls border this green and to many it looks like a wall that good for kicking rebound balls and the noise is terrible, My husband has had a run in before a few too many times and has asked poiltely if they would stop doing it as its so noisy and is technically our wall. Well I wont repeat what this youngster replied but it was threatening and very upsetting.
Well it started again this week full on so I suggested to my husband I will go out and speak to them and see what happens. So I did, the boy never swore at me but was waving his hand in a aggressive manner but I stood firm heart thumping and trying not to look intimidated. He said where can I go and play then I replied the playing field is just around the corner, They then left with a few minor muttering. Then two hours later again it started, husband went out to school run and I approached the boys again same one boy but different friends. Again the same thing was said and I made sure my manners were well heard I even repeated thankyou loudly as they walked away. Each time a police report was noted as Husband reported it, we were then told by police not to confront them again and they will come and deal with it.
It really unsettles you that one boy can unnerve you that badly. We did work out quickly he respondes calmer to females than males so we are working along those lines on how we should continue dealing with it.
I have prayed to the Lord to help find me courage and the right words to say, and guess what HE Never fails us.
Please pray for us , this might seem a trivial thing but with God on our side and to guide us we will prevail. This may be shaping us for things to come as God is continually shaping us to become more holy and Christ-like.